It’s Time to Go Fishing

Back in late 2007, the dollar index was heading for the cellar, gold was heading for the moon, war with Iran was imminent, energy costs were soaring and a debt crisis loomed. Given these multiple threats, many friends were asking many questions about where I was putting my investments.  Frankly, people were pretty rattled.

During that time, though, one friend and his wife asked the perfect question: Could my wife, Puddy, and I come visit them Bozeman, Montana, to go fly fishing?  We hadn’t planned to vacation then, but we just had to say yes with so many of our investments doing so well and visions of beautiful vistas in Montana rising in our imaginations.
Puddy and I flew up and spent a week fishing, relaxing, watching the elk, resting, reading and viewing some of the most spectacular scenery in the United States.  While I did not catch fish quite as impressive as Brad Pitt’s in “A River Runs Through It,” which was filmed in Bozeman, I did manage to catch a couple of trout.  More importantly, I enjoyed a relaxing few days in the company of good friends in an extraordinary setting.  The time we spent visiting our friends was medicine for my soul.


I was able to go off fishing because I my long-term investment strategy, including investing in precious metals, precious metals mining stocks, energy stocks, defense stocks and a few select foreign Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) has paid off over the years.  In my view, it is more important to be invested in the correct sector than in an individual investment within that sector.  So long as the sector is promising, diversification within that sector should spread both risk and opportunity.  Knowing that whether my investments were up or down during the week I was away, they were likely to trend up over time made it much easier to relax and make some great memories with my wife and our friends.


Remember to live your life well with family and friends. Then you will truly be wealthy beyond measure.

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Since 2001, Larry LaBorde has sold gold, silver, platinum and palladium for investment to clients in the U.S. and around the world through his firm, Silver Trading Company LLC. The firm also offers guidance about metals storage options. We love your feedback! Please email Larry with your thoughts about this article or your questions about metals or storage.

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